
For most Americans, the American Dream is about freedom and opportunity. In a recent survey from the Archbridge Institute, 82% of respondents considered freedom of choice in how to live essential to their view of the American Dream, more than retiring comfortably (68%), owning a home (50%), having a successful career (42%), or becoming wealthy (14%).

Archbridge’s survey also asked about opportunity, specifically how people viewed their opportunities relative to their parents. Overall, 48% of respondents said they think they have more opportunities than their parents, while only 19% said they have fewer opportunities. The rest think they have about the same opportunities.

While 48% is not terrible, it should be much higher. Ideally, everyone would think they have more opportunities than their parents. The overall number also hides more worrying differences across age groups. In the 60-plus age group, 63% said they have more opportunities than their parents, but in the 18-29 group, only 37% feel the same way.

Read the full article at Forbes.

Read the American Dream Snapshot here
