From Liberty Ventures:

In the latest episode of the Liberty Ventures podcast, Alexander McCobin speaks with Gonzalo Schwarz, President & CEO of the Archbridge Institute, about the vital role of opportunity and meaning in human flourishing.

Key insights include:

  • Stagnating upward mobility: Only 50% of people today out-earn their parents, compared to 90% in the 1940s.
  • Declining business dynamism: Startups have dropped from 12% of businesses in the 1970s to just 8% today, with closures matching new ventures.
  • The downside of security focus: Prioritizing guaranteed income and jobs can suppress the dynamism needed for innovation and growth.

The conversation emphasizes the need to celebrate purpose-driven entrepreneurs like Sam Walton and Daniel Lubetzky, whose risks and leadership drive progress, solve problems, and create upward mobility. By amplifying these stories, we can inspire a culture of dynamism, innovation, and limitless opportunity for future generations.

Listen to the episode. 


Liberty Ventures