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Skills for the 21st Century — Building Human Capital for Economic Mobility

Skills for the 21st Century — Building Human Capital for Economic Mobility

Archbridge Director of Programs Ben Wilterdink argues for the importance of soft skills in our increasingly service-based economy. With minimum wage increases and helicopter parenting becoming the norm, Wilterdink argues that children and young adults are missing opportunities to gain the soft skills that employers want in today’s labor market.


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Interstate compacts aren’t the right way to fix occupational licensing laws

Interstate compacts aren’t the right way to fix occupational licensing laws

In a Wall Street Journal op-ed, Secretary of Labor Acosta and South Dakota Governor Daugaard outline their plan for interstate compacts that allow holders of an occupational license in one state to receive a temporary license for that occupation when moving to another state within the compact. Archbridge Director of Policy Research Ben Wilterdink explains why this does nothing to resolve the barriers to mobility caused by occupational licensing.

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The American Dream Isn’t Dead, But it is Ailing

The American Dream Isn’t Dead, But it is Ailing

Is the American Dream dead for young Americans? Dr. Edward Timmons of Saint Francis University and coauthor of Barriers to Mobility, says there are good arguments that it may not be as bleak as it seems. Economists agree, however, that many poor children remain poor in adulthood. Timmons examines the growth of occupational licensing as a possible cause.

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Calling All Entrepreneurs to Rekindle the American Dream

Calling All Entrepreneurs to Rekindle the American Dream

Entrepreneurship and economic mobility go hand in hand. Policy solutions aimed to alleviate poverty should take into account the power of entrepreneurship in allowing people the opportunity to climb the income ladder. President and CEO Gonzalo Schwarz makes this case utilizing the latest research.

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Dodging the Hard Question on Economic Mobility

Dodging the Hard Question on Economic Mobility

Ben Wilterdink, Director of Outreach and Policy Research, reviews Dream Hoarders by Richard V. Reeves, senior fellow at the Brookings Institution. By focusing on relative economic mobility, Reeves determines that the advantages upper middle class parents give their children are disadvantaging other children. Wilterdink asserts that Reeves’s focus is misplaced: Public policy should aim to increase absolute economic mobility.

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Want to Help People? Focus on Economic Mobility, Not Inequality

Want to Help People? Focus on Economic Mobility, Not Inequality

President and CEO Gonzalo Schwarz pens an op-ed for The Hill, arguing that the current focus across the world on inequality is misguided. To improve lives, we must instead try to improve economic mobility. Recent survey results demonstrate that people find it more important to have a fair shot at improving their economic standing than reducing inequality.

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Perceptions of Rising Opportunity Across Rich Nations and Over Time

Perceptions of Rising Opportunity Across Rich Nations and Over Time

Across the globe, people always seek more opportunity for themselves and for their children. The last several decades have seen a steady increase in living standards, particularly in wealthy nations—but has this translated into feelings of better opportunities for success than previous generations? To answer this question, and others related to attitudes regarding economic opportunity and mobility, Archbridge Institute Honorary Advisor Dr. Scott Winship analyzes poll results from rich nations and compares them to historical trends.

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Investing in Mobility & Saving the American Dream

Investing in Mobility & Saving the American Dream

Archbridge President and CEO Gonzalo Schwarz writes for Donors Trust’s regular series on how to be more strategic in charitable giving. Politicians—and therefore public policy—are increasingly focused on inequality, when they should be working to increase opportunity for all. But natural barriers to economic mobility cannot be resolved with one-size-fits-all government policies. The institutions of civil society must step in to address the personal and cultural barriers to flourishing.

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Social Mobility is Still Going Strong in the Land of Opportunity

Social Mobility is Still Going Strong in the Land of Opportunity

So-called “declinists” argue that it’s harder to climb up the income ladder than it used to be. Archbridge Honorary Advisor Dr. Scott Winship reexamines the evidence, finding that the decline in the size of families has allowed Americans to be better off than their parents with less income. In National Review, Winship summarizes his research and its implications.

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The Archbridge Institute is a non-partisan, independent, 501(c)(3) public policy think tank. Our mission is to lift barriers to human flourishing.

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Washington, DC 20036

lifting barriers. lifting lives.

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